Blue light glasses for preventing eye strain: just a fad, or do they really work?

Speedy tracing of food poisoning can stop illness in its tracks

Public health officials serve as detectives, looking for patterns in peoples’ sickness and testing foods and even restaurant equipment to find the source.
Nevada has abundant geothermal activity. Should energy companies develop it?

Nevada has many places with potential for geothermal energy, but unfortunately, they are far away from the state’s big cities.
Project screens DNA of Nevada volunteers to prevent disease

In 2019, Nevada ranked 35th in population health in the United States. This is in part due to high rates of cardiovascular disease, chronic health conditions and premature death. A number of factors influence people’s health in a given geographic area, one of which includes a person’s genes, which can show a person’s likelihood of developing […]
Reporter takes DNA test to partake in research aiming to boost health of all Nevadans

The Healthy Nevada Project can sequence your DNA to tell if you are genetically at-risk for developing certain diseases.
Urban wildlife: how noise and light pollution affect birds

New research has shown that birds in urban cities are adapting to noise and the light. Biologists wonder: can pass on these adaptations in their genes?
Outdoor industry emphasizes avalanche safety as pandemic sends more skiers into the backcountry

With the pandemic sending more skiers flocking to the backcountry than ever before, guide services more than double their capacity for avalanche safety courses.
Proposed Idaho Gold Project Sparks Outrage Among Conservationists

A proposed gold mine at the headwaters of the East Fork South Fork Salmon River has sparked outrage among conservationists, due to the extreme environmental impacts of the mine
Care Center For Children With Learning Disabilities Says It Will Stay Open

Many families with children with disabilities rely on care centers to support overwhelmed parents and to provide care in an emergency situation. But during the pandemic, one center is struggling to retain volunteers.
Distance Learning A Particular Challenge For Students With Autism

Face coverings, distance learning and barren playgrounds have changed the school day. It’s a particular challenge for students with autism, who rely on routine.