Kayaking The Salmon River From Source To Sea: How This RSJ Alum Is Fighting Imminent Salmon Extinction
Three women are undertaking a thousand-mile journey to raise awareness about the four dams choking the life out of the Lower Snake River.
Ranchers Collaborate With Government To Protect Critical Sage Grouse Habitat
An unlikely partnership between livestock ranchers and a government conservation agency keeps rangeland grouse-friendly — and out of the hands of developers.
Your Next Cancer Treatment Could Come From This Strange Antarctic Invertebrate
A polar sea squirt produces a chemical that has demonstrated success in fighting certain cancer cells. Reno scientists are unzipping its DNA to find out why.
The Chytrid Fungus Is Killing Amphibians All Over The World. UNR Biologist Jamie Voyles Wants To Change That
It now appears that some endangered frogs are able to survive the deadly disease. Dr. Jamie Voyles is trying to understand how some species fight to the fungus, while others are killed.
Mysterious Disease Affecting Bears Across Tahoe Basin
Abnormal behavior found in Tahoe’s black bear population has puzzled researchers.
Warming Temperatures Are Harming Butterfly Populations Across The West
Climate change has resulted in a severe decline in butterfly populations over the past forty years that is likely to continue.
Proposed Geothermal Project May Threaten the Rare Dixie Valley Toad
The Dixie Valley Toad lives in one location in the entire world – a small spring-fed wetland near Fallon, Nevada. Ormat Technologies Inc., has proposed a geothermal project in that exact location, threatening to make the toad extinct.
Pinyon-Juniper Removal Reduces Fire Risk But Could Harm Forest Ecosystems
Some Nevada tribes and environmentalists are concerned that clearing these woodlands may harm ecosystems that we haven’t fully studied yet.
Urban wildlife: how noise and light pollution affect birds
New research has shown that birds in urban cities are adapting to noise and the light. Biologists wonder: can pass on these adaptations in their genes?
A time for healing: Hawaii’s coral reefs rebound during COVID-19
A silver lining outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic? Coral reefs in Hawaii may be becoming healthier with fewer swimmers in the water.