Women In STEM Series Presents: Dr. Jenny Ouyang
Dr. Jenny Ouyang is an ecologist at UNR, studying how animals adapt to changing environmental conditions. We spoke with her about her career and the challenges she has faced as a woman of color in STEM.
Women In STEM Series: Dr. Krisztina Voronova
Dr. Krisztina Voronova is a physical chemist, a chemistry professor at UNR, and founder of the Discover Chemistry Demonstration Series. She gave us insight into the challenges she has faced in her STEM career.
Women In STEM Series: Dr. Laina Geary
Dr. Laina Geary is a synthetic organic chemist and a professor at University of Nevada Reno. The Hitchcock Project spoke with Dr. Geary about her work and her experience as a woman in a male-dominated STEM field. HP: What is the focus of your research? LG: We are a synthetic organic chemistry group, so we’re […]
Tiffany Pereira – How She Built A Career Out of Science And Art
Tiffany Pereira’s teachers told hershel had to choose between science and art. Instead of choosing between them, she chose both, and she made a career out of it. Pereira now works as an ecologist and science illustrator for the Desert Research Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Chytrid Fungus Is Killing Amphibians All Over The World. UNR Biologist Jamie Voyles Wants To Change That
It now appears that some endangered frogs are able to survive the deadly disease. Dr. Jamie Voyles is trying to understand how some species fight to the fungus, while others are killed.
Mysterious Disease Affecting Bears Across Tahoe Basin
Abnormal behavior found in Tahoe’s black bear population has puzzled researchers.
Snowpack Report Indicates Another Dry Summer
Data collected this winter points to the possibility of another dry summer in Northern Nevada.
UNR geophysics team uses drones carrying sensing equipment to search for new geothermal pools hidden underground
Many geothermal hot spots may never break through the Earth’s surface. The drones can fly over vast Nevada terrain carrying magnetic sensing equipment that can identify geological areas ripe for geothermal.
Urban wildlife: how noise and light pollution affect birds
New research has shown that birds in urban cities are adapting to noise and the light. Biologists wonder: can pass on these adaptations in their genes?
Research suggests the virus that causes COVID-19 is mutating quickly, but we’re still figuring out what that means
UNR scientists are studying the long-term implications of the mutations in SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and working to find out why it is mutating so quickly.