Pinyon-Juniper Removal Reduces Fire Risk But Could Harm Forest Ecosystems

Some Nevada tribes and environmentalists are concerned that clearing these woodlands may harm ecosystems that we haven’t fully studied yet.
For Veterans and People with Emotional Trauma, Trained Service Dogs Can Help

Nevada ranks the worst for mental health in the United States, but service dogs can help provide emotional support to people experiencing PTSD, suicidal thoughts, drug and alcohol abuse, and other mental health issues.
UNR geophysics team uses drones carrying sensing equipment to search for new geothermal pools hidden underground

Many geothermal hot spots may never break through the Earth’s surface. The drones can fly over vast Nevada terrain carrying magnetic sensing equipment that can identify geological areas ripe for geothermal.
Nevada’s COVID Testing Rates Are Improving, But Still Lag Behind W.H.O Recommendation

For the past seven months, Nevada’s Covid test positivity rate has been far too high.
Geologic History Of The Grand Canyon As Told By The River’s Path

One of the most impressive river canyons in the world, a kayaking trip down the Grand Canyon of the Colorado is like taking a trip through geologic history.
Climate change spurs California’s worst year of wildfires in recorded history

Nope, gender reveal parties aren’t the main culprit in causing massive wildfires in California.