Could a “Turkey-Syria”-Sized Earthquake Happen in Nevada?
Why the Turkey-Syria earthquake of 2023 was so damaging, and what Nevadans should know about our own earthquake risk. By Robert Rincon.
Fire Weather Extremes Make Prescribed Burns Riskier, But More Essential Than Ever
For Nevada land managers — including many with ties to local tribes — climate change is making it more difficult to put “good” fire on the ground. By Shelby Herbert and Molly Peterson.
Nevada Botanist is Creating State’s First Complete Plant List
Jerry Tiehm from the University of Nevada, Reno, has been on a 49-year quest to collect and document every plant species in Nevada. By Vanesa de la Cruz Pavas.
Dr. Charles Goldman Honored at Tahoe Summit, Addresses Threats to the Lake
A group of leaders and stakeholders convened at the Lake Tahoe Summit on Tuesday to discuss ways to protect the basin. At the event, a renowned local scientist was honored for his work to maintain the health of the lake.
Wetland Habitat in America’s Driest State
Wetlands come in many shapes and forms, and are found in the most unexpected of places — even here in Nevada!
Exploring Chilean Geysers and Hot Springs with a Geologist
Dr. Carolina Muñoz-Saez, a Chilean geologist, explains her work studying geyser fields and how she found love for the earth at a young age.
Bureau of Land Management Begins What Could Become Largest Gather of Wild Horses In Nevada
The Bureau of Land Management plans to capture at least 22,000 wild horses and burros — nearly doubling the number they captured in 2021.
Kayaking The Salmon River From Source To Sea: How This RSJ Alum Is Fighting Imminent Salmon Extinction
Three women are undertaking a thousand-mile journey to raise awareness about the four dams choking the life out of the Lower Snake River.
Proposed Reno Townhome Development Threatens Rare Plant
An extremely rare wildflower known only to grow in the Reno-Virginia City-area was recently found on the site of a proposed townhouse development.
Ranchers Collaborate With Government To Protect Critical Sage Grouse Habitat
An unlikely partnership between livestock ranchers and a government conservation agency keeps rangeland grouse-friendly — and out of the hands of developers.