Women In STEM Series Presents: Dr. Jenny Ouyang
Dr. Jenny Ouyang is an ecologist at UNR, studying how animals adapt to changing environmental conditions. We spoke with her about her career and the challenges she has faced as a woman of color in STEM.
Women In STEM Series: Dr. Krisztina Voronova
Dr. Krisztina Voronova is a physical chemist, a chemistry professor at UNR, and founder of the Discover Chemistry Demonstration Series. She gave us insight into the challenges she has faced in her STEM career.
Women In STEM Series: Dr. Laina Geary
Dr. Laina Geary is a synthetic organic chemist and a professor at University of Nevada Reno. The Hitchcock Project spoke with Dr. Geary about her work and her experience as a woman in a male-dominated STEM field. HP: What is the focus of your research? LG: We are a synthetic organic chemistry group, so we’re […]
The Lasting Effects of Repeated Concussions
The devastating and life-altering medical consequences of getting knocked out cold are far from what the movies have made them out to be. Dr. Marian Berryhill of the University of Nevada, Reno Department of Psychology explains the effects of repeated concussions observed in professional athletes.
Sound Waves to Brain Waves — Sound’s Journey from the Ear to the Brain
Ligia Subitoni Antonio of the University of Nevada, Reno Department of Physiology and Cell Biology has the answers.
Spit Out Your Seeds! The Bizarre Truth of the Fabled Poisoned Apple
They say an apple a day keeps the Doctor away… right? Well, it turns out that apples have a spooky secret, as foretold by the Brothers Grimm classic, Snow White. Don’t blame poisoned apples on the evil queens — it was already there, in the form of a natural toxin. Enjoy your lunch!
Never Too Old To Hit The Gym — How Functional Movement Supports Geriatric Health
Crossfit? At 79? Move over, youngsters — there’s a new age group taking over the gym. National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) nutritionist and personal trainer Anthony Santana explains why there’s no upper age limit for regular exercise.
How Does The Booster Shot Protect Me From COVID-19?
While vaccination offers great protection from illness and death from COVID-19, this protection will fade over time. That’s why getting your third shot is so important.
Kayaking The Salmon River From Source To Sea: How This RSJ Alum Is Fighting Imminent Salmon Extinction
Three women are undertaking a thousand-mile journey to raise awareness about the four dams choking the life out of the Lower Snake River.
Proposed Reno Townhome Development Threatens Rare Plant
An extremely rare wildflower known only to grow in the Reno-Virginia City-area was recently found on the site of a proposed townhouse development.